🧮 Controlling the RGB Bands ---------------------------- The ``ipyleaflet`` and ``folium`` tile layer utilities support setting which bands to view as the RGB channels. To set the RGB bands, pass a length three list of the band indices to the ``indexes`` argument. Here is an example where I create two tile layers from the same raster but viewing a different set of bands: .. jupyter-execute:: from localtileserver import get_leaflet_tile_layer, examples from ipyleaflet import Map, ScaleControl, FullScreenControl, SplitMapControl # First, create TileClient using example file client = examples.get_landsat() .. jupyter-execute:: client.thumbnail(indexes=[7, 5, 4]) .. jupyter-execute:: client.thumbnail(indexes=[5, 3, 2]) .. jupyter-execute:: # Create 2 tile layers from same raster viewing different bands l = get_leaflet_tile_layer(client, indexes=[7, 5, 4]) r = get_leaflet_tile_layer(client, indexes=[5, 3, 2]) # Make the ipyleaflet map m = Map(center=client.center(), zoom=client.default_zoom) control = SplitMapControl(left_layer=l, right_layer=r) m.add_control(control) m.add_control(ScaleControl(position='bottomleft')) m.add_control(FullScreenControl()) m