☁️ Remote Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs (COGs)#

While localtileserver is intended to be used only with raster files existing on your local filesystem, there is support for URL files through GDAL’s Virtual Storage Interface. Simply pass your http<s>:// or s3:// URL to the TileClient. This will work quite well for pre-tiled Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs, but I do not recommend doing this with non-tiled raster formats.

For example, the raster at the url below is ~3GiB but because it is pre-tiled, we can view tiles of the remote file very efficiently in a Jupyter notebook.

from localtileserver import get_folium_tile_layer, get_leaflet_tile_layer
from localtileserver import TileClient
import folium, ipyleaflet

url = 'https://github.com/giswqs/data/raw/main/raster/landsat7.tif'

# First, create a tile server from the URL raster file
client = TileClient(url)

Here we can create a folium map with the raster overlain:

# Create folium tile layer from that server
t = get_folium_tile_layer(client)

m = folium.Map(location=client.center(), zoom_start=client.default_zoom)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Or we can do the same ipyleaflet:

# Create ipyleaflet tile layer from that server
l = get_leaflet_tile_layer(client)

m = ipyleaflet.Map(center=client.center(), zoom=client.default_zoom)


Note that the Virtual Storage Interface is a complex API, and TileClient currently only handles vsis3 and vsicurl. If you need a different VFS mechanism, simply create your /vsi path and pass that to TileClient.